
Estamos comprometidos con lograr una Inteligencia Artificial que sea digna de confianza, tanto online como offline. Este compromiso implica abordar temas importantes como los sesgos, la transparencia y la custodia de datos y llevarlos a la primera plana del movimiento de la salud de Internet.

Inteligencia artificial confiable

2024 is urgent. 83 elections will be taking place in 76 countries. Ongoing global conflict and warfare will continue to impact the climate, increase loss of life, and fuel divisiveness. This year promises to be one of the five warmest years in history. The widening gap in access to the internet and new technologies is deepening inequality, particularly in the world's most vulnerable areas. Artificial intelligence (AI) will impact 40% of global employment on top of the existing precarious labor conditions.

The emphasis on AI and its stake in these issues is ever more pressing, and we need to tackle them in connection to one another.


«15,7 billones de dólares. Es el monto que se prevé que la IA aportará a la economía global para 2030».

Sizing the Prize, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2017

A medida que investigamos la IA confiable y las formas en que podemos pasar de sistemas opacos y cerrados a sistemas abiertos y transparentes, nos centramos en las personas: desarrolladores, usuarios, denunciantes y todos los afectados. Mozilla Festival es el lugar de encuentro de la inteligencia humana entretejida con conocimientos ancestrales, ecológicos, técnicos y espirituales, para marcar un cambio en la conformación de la Inteligencia Artificial.

2024 Central Themes

En Mozilla Festival, nos centramos en los temas más urgentes de nuestro mundo digital actual.


Working alongside each other in solidarity, and leveraging collective global efforts to impact change on a local level to develop and strengthen relationships and create sustainable political power.

Bienestar colectivo

We will work to move policy decisions, technological tools, and economic infrastructure toward collective well-being by being critical about who is building technology and who are they building it for.

Oportunidad y abundancia

We will imagine a better future that is full of opportunity and abundance by standing against unfair treatment in our communities and stop putting money and machines ahead of people and the environment.

Reunirse, ya sea en línea o en persona, es un acto político, un ejercicio de la voluntad, un deseo de conectarse con otros en pensamiento, experiencia y práctica. Porque no podemos cambiar el status quo si estamos aisladis. Y tampoco podemos cambiarlo en el vacío.

Necesitamos contexto, y el lugar es el contexto. Para comprender cuán interconectadas están nuestras herramientas y decisiones tecnológicas, debemos acercarnos regionalmente, debemos pensar localmente. Necesitamos comenzar con el matiz del lugar.

At Mozilla Festival, we champion inclusive digital governance. Together, we are co-creating a healthier internet and trustworthy AI, fueled by 15 years of collective effort.

MozFest House Amsterdam

MozFest House Amsterdam is a regional invitation for individuals, partners, allies, and initiatives to showcase their work within their local environment and experiences. House isn't just a date on the calendar – it's a vibrant convergence of minds, a celebration of creativity, and a catalyst for change in the digital world.

Thematic Focuses at MozFest House Amsterdam

  • Building Unified Futures

    Technology, like the planet, belongs to us all. Building Unified Futures is reclaiming technology and thinking about different ways we can shape its future. We’ll look at how to make new, meaningful connections, facilitate inclusivity, and work towards trustworthy AI that uplifts those historically shut out of tech. Together we’re creating new possibilities and exploring how to build a future with AI that’s truly accessible for us all.

  • Fair and Inclusive AI

    Technology can be fairer, and that's exactly what we're aiming for. We're bringing together people from different backgrounds across Europe to collaborate on AI solutions that are ethical, inclusive, and fair. Our focus is on ensuring transparency in both: the data utilised by AI and its development process. Fair and Inclusive AI will also explore how AI legislation can truly embody transparency and diversity.

  • Our Democratic Futures

    Globally, democracy is under threat, and AI has the potential to make it worse. We have the opportunity to rethink approaches to democracy in the age of AI so that it enhances transparency, fairness, and protects citizen rights. By prioritising ethical considerations and inclusivity, we can build more engaged, informed, and democratic societies.

  • Planetary Justice

    We’re challenging the conventional understanding of technology and the normative approach to resolving the planetary crises’ we experience. Together, we are creating an ecosystem-driven understanding of the interconnectedness between our personal and communal well-being and actions, and an agenda to enact planetary justice in our digital futures.

Foto de Tara Vassefi
Destacado por la comunidad

Conoce a Tara Vassefi

Su proyecto de grupo de trabajo para una IA confiable, «La verdad como bien público» es la base de su trabajo de tiempo completo. Ha logrado aplicar su proyecto a la desviación de residuos en la ciudad de Washington D.C.


There are many ways to participate in Mozilla Festival, from working groups to facilitating a session, to watching our speaker series online.

Únete al Festival Mozilla en Discord

Engage year-round with diverse global movements, collaborate on Trustworthy AI, and join exclusive events - as well as be in the first to know about future events and ticket sales.

Únete a Discord


Being a volunteer at the festival is a great behind-the-scenes chance to learn how this incredible event unfolds. Applications are open now for MozFest House Amsterdam in June.

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