Inteligencia artificial confiable
El año 2024 es urgente. Se llevarán a cabo 83 elecciones en 76 países. El conflicto y la guerra global en curso continuarán afectando el clima, aumentando las pérdidas de vidas y alimentando la división. Este promete ser uno de los cinco años más cálidos de la historia. La brecha creciente en el acceso a Internet y a las nuevas tecnologías está profundizando la desigualdad, particularmente en las áreas más vulnerables del mundo.
The emphasis on AI and its stake in these issues is ever more pressing, and we need to tackle the issues in connection to one another.
«15,7 billones de dólares. Es el monto que se prevé que la IA aportará a la economía global para 2030».
Sizing the Prize, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2017
A medida que investigamos la IA confiable y las formas en que podemos pasar de sistemas opacos y cerrados a sistemas abiertos y transparentes, nos centramos en las personas: desarrolladores, usuarios, denunciantes y todos los afectados. Mozilla Festival es el lugar de encuentro de la inteligencia humana entretejida con conocimientos ancestrales, ecológicos, técnicos y espirituales, para marcar un cambio en la conformación de la Inteligencia Artificial.
Trabajamos solidariamente codo a codo y aprovechamos los esfuerzos globales colectivos para fomentar un cambio con impacto local que permita desarrollar y fortalecer las relaciones y crear un poder político sostenible.
Bienestar colectivo
Trabajaremos para movilizar decisiones políticas, herramientas tecnológicas e infraestructuras económicas hacia el bienestar colectivo, mediante un pensamiento crítico acerca de quién está creando las tecnologías y para quién las crean.
Oportunidad y abundancia
Imaginaremos un futuro mejor, lleno de oportunidades y abundancia, oponiéndonos a los tratos injustos en nuestras comunidades y dejando de poner el dinero y las máquinas por delante de las personas y el medioambiente.
MozFest House Zambia Themes
Tech and Inclusion
Technology should work for everyone, not just a select few. But right now, many communities—whether based on gender, ability, or income—are being left out. This theme is about making sure technology serves all people equally, from creating access for underrepresented groups to addressing online harms. Let’s make tech a space where inclusion is the default, not an afterthought.
Tech and Culture
Technology and culture go hand in hand. This theme explores how we can use technology to preserve and amplify our languages, arts, and traditions. It’s about creating tools that reflect who we are, supporting cultural expression through digital platforms, and ensuring that our stories are part of the digital future.
Tech and Economic Justice
Economic systems are evolving, and technology is playing a major role in shaping them. But for many, access to fair wages and opportunities remains out of reach. This theme is about exploring how tech can create more equitable labor practices, promote financial inclusion, and provide opportunities for all to thrive in the digital economy.
Tech and Environmental Justice
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and technology has a crucial role to play in addressing it. This theme is about exploring how we can use tech to promote sustainability, protect our environment, and build resilience in the face of climate change—while ensuring that everyone benefits from these solutions.
Tech and Governance
As technology continues to evolve, so too must the policies that govern it. This theme looks at how we can create thoughtful, community-focused frameworks that protect people, hold tech companies accountable, and ensure technology is used responsibly. It’s about shaping the rules that make tech safe and beneficial for all.
Tech and Philanthropy
Philanthropy has the power to shape the future of technology by supporting responsible, people-centered innovation. This theme explores how funders can help build tech that reflects local values, supports underserved communities, and promotes fairness and transparency. It’s about using resources to empower communities and make technology work for the greater good.
Building Alternative Technologies
Technology should be built with openness, fairness, and inclusion in mind. This theme focuses on developing alternatives to mainstream tech that prioritize these values, giving everyone a seat at the table in the design and development of new tools. It’s about building a tech ecosystem that reflects the needs and aspirations of all people.
Conoce a Tara Vassefi
Su proyecto de grupo de trabajo para una IA confiable, «La verdad como bien público» es la base de su trabajo de tiempo completo. Ha logrado aplicar su proyecto a la desviación de residuos en la ciudad de Washington D.C.
Consigue tus entradas para el MozFest House Zambia
Community Tickets
Join MozFest House Zambia with free access to the range of sessions, workshops, and interactive experiences available over the two days. You'll engage in meaningful conversations, collaborate with others, and ignite creativity as we work together to achieve Trustworthy AI in Africa.
Únete al Festival Mozilla en Discord
Participa durante todo el año en diversos movimientos globales, colabora en el movimiento para una IA confiable y únete a eventos exclusivos, además de enterarte antes que nadie sobre futuros eventos y ventas de entradas.
Únete a DiscordVoluntariado
Being a volunteer at the festival is an amazing opportunity for folks to come together, help bring MozFest to life, and drive forward the important work of a truly open internet and Trustworthy AI.
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