Troch jo yn te skriuwen foar dizze e-maillist, kinne jo it folgjende ferwachtsje:
- In moanlikse nijsbrief fol helpmiddelen, boarnen en eveneminten fan de hiele ynternetsûnensbeweging oer betroubere AI en oare wichtige kwestjes, lykas digitale rjochten, mienskipsaktivisme, privacy en feilichheid, en mear.
- It meast aktuele nijs en tipkes fan de sluier oer wat jo ferwachtsje kinne op it folgjende MozFest.
- De lêste updates fan Mozilla
Wy hoopje dat jo jo by ús oanslute wylst wy de beweging foar in sûner ynternet en betrouberdere AI fia MozFest fuorje!
Lêste festivalnijs
Mozilla Festival Sept. 23, 2024
Angela Oduor Lungati to Headline MozFest House Zambia
Join MozFest House Zambia on November 20, 2024, as open-source tech leader and Executive Director of Ushahidi, Angela Oduor Lungati, headlines the event. Learn how Ushahidi’s global impact on crisis mapping and community-driven tech aligns with MozFest’s mission of Building Alternative Technology for collective action toward trustworthy AI.
Koliwe Majama en Zeina Abi Assy
Mozilla Festival Sept. 10, 2024
Exploring Togetherness & Solidarity Through Art
For MozFest House Amsterdam 2024, we called on creatives to explore togetherness and solidarity through art. We saw a range of art and media installations speaking to the themes through mushrooms, sound, games, mapping and more. This blog summarizes all the pieces that came to MozFest House Amsterdam.
T Munyua