Join Mozilla Festival on Discord and engage year-round with diverse global movements, collaborate on Trustworthy AI, and stay updated with exclusive news and events.

Watch Parties
Watch and join the conversation every week where we revisit past MozFest Dialogues and Debates and other live streamed and recorded sessions.
Join the Discord
Dive into hands-on AI workshops. Challenge yourself, grow your skills, and connect with others in MozFest Builder community.
Join the Discord
Share The Mic
Be part of different conversations on trending topics within the community. When a topic sparks interest, we open a voice channel for you to share your insights.
Join the DiscordUpcoming Discord Events
Getting Starting in Discord
Once you've joined, check out the #discord-basics channel where you'll find a range of resources, whether you're new to the MozFest Community, or joining us from Slack.
What’s different on Discord?
Discord's moderation tools allow us to continue to ensure that everyone in the community stands by the community participation guidelines. Discord’s DM feature allows you more control over blocking DMs from people you may not want to hear from. Not only that, it opens up a tonne of new possibilities for us to run events and activities throughout the year - think panels, build-a-longs, and watch parties!
When are you making the move?
- Starting in May, we'll no longer be linking to Slack in our communications. All links will now take you to our Discord community instead.
- In June, we'll start closing down the public channels on Slack. We'll start with the channels that are no longer being used, and once that's done in mid-July, only the announcement channels will remain.
- In July, all community accounts will be removed from the MozFest Slack.
What was the process to decide to move from Slack to Discord?
This has been work in progress for a couple of years, we've looked at a few different alternatives to Slack - Discord checked all the boxes for us.The decision for Discord came about in a number of ways, a few other communities at Mozilla use it like Hubs and MDN, we really liked their safety tools and some of the features for community events that we haven't found else where, and our Youth Zone wranglers were also very keen on Discord as a choice.